No Kid Hungry Foundation / Citibank
No Kid Hungry is an organization that helps kids take their mind off hunger so they can enjoy the sweeter things in childhood. These spots highlight the exact moment a child's hunger turns into something joyful -- thanks to Citi cardmembers who donate to No Kid Hungry when they dine with their card.
My role: Concept/Copy, with Brandon King
Selected Works
WebsiteSamsung SmartThings
Social / OOHSamsung social campaign
Citi Mobile App: TVCitibank
Launch Landing PageSamsung
Print / OOH / WebsiteVanguard campaign
TV / Pre-rollNo Kid Hungry Foundation / Citibank
B2B Displays WebsiteSamsung
TV / Pre-rollNo Kid Hungry Foundation / Citibank
OOH Citibank
SocialCitibank Photo Contest
PrintCitibank campaign
Drink In The IslandCoco & Co.
On Your MarkJuxu Sport
CRMDisney Vacation Club